Standing Rigging
- Halyards: Check that shackles, wires, ropes, and particularly the rope-wire joints are OK. Replace any part which may not be strong enough.
- Check the halyard sheaves in the mast head. They should rotate freely.
Corrosion between mast and steel parts
- Stainless steel halyards, stays, and shrouds cause corrosion when in contact with aluminium. Therefore store them not touching the mast.
- Before winter storage, the masts should be washed with water and detergent. Rinse very well, since most detergents will corrode aluminium, just as salt.
- When dry, wipe the mast with paraffin oil. Especially the casted foot needs a good oiling. Alternatively, the mast can be waxed with car wax.
- After the hauling, clean the hull immediately. Dirt, weeds, and molluscs come off much more easily when fresh and wet than when dry. After the wash, check the following:
- Possible gelcoat damage, particularly all the way through flaws.
- Rudder nuts should be tight and uncorroded.
- Propeller shaft rubber bearing. If there is a clearance which lets light through between the shaft and the bearing, the rubber has to be renewed.
- Echo-sounder transducer. Should be cleaned.
- Sumlog impeller. Should move freely.
- Renew the hull zinc anode (ch.4.7).
- Do not undertake gelcoat repairs until the hull is completely dry in the spring. We refer to chapter 11 for more details on hull maintenance.
- Whatever you may need to renew, order the spare parts in good time. They are often available at a lower price in the autumn.
- Use a brush which won’t scrape the gelcoat.