Main Switches
Engine Booster Switch
- “Parallell Switch” → Located in aft stairs.
- It will separate the starting battery from the house.
- Set to “off” → Separates house from the starter.
- Set to “on” → All together.
- Use: To help start the engine!
Caution: May damage other electronics.
Engine Start Switch
- Located under the port bench in the pilot house.
- This must be on to start the engine.
Generator Start Switch
- Located at the forward starboard stair closet.
- This enables or disables the generator to start.
House Switch
- Located under the port side pilot house seat.
- This will kill the 12V switchboard, and only the emergency pump will work since it’s hard-wired up direct.
Inverter Switch
- Turns on/off the Magna Sine Hybrid Inverter/Charger in one.
- Without this on, there is nothing to charge the batteries.
- We cannot connect DC (battery) to AC.
- Must be on to charge batteries.
Fuel Selector Switch
- Located in aft stairs.
- Chooses which tank to pull and return to.
Generator Fuel Selector
- Located on the aft wall of its pilot.
Generator Start Controls
- Located under starboard entryway to the pilot house.
- Hold down pre-heat for 5 seconds.
- Hold down start AND pre-heat until the engine starts and oil pressure hits 40 PSI.
- Then release both.
- Power out is set by different switches.
Charger Breaker
- Located in the stairwell aft.
- ONLY for starting battery charge.
- Found within the breaker panel.
Inverter Breaker
- Breaker for Hybrid and Charger.
- Found in the breaker panel.